
The Plantagenets reigned in England from 1154 to 1399. Many Americans whose ancestors emigrated from England can trace their lineage to one or more of the Angevin branch of Plantagenet Kings. The Angevin Plantagenets were preceeded by the Norman Kings, and after them came the Lancastrians, a latter branch of Plantagenets. The Angevin Plantagenet Kings and their Queens were:

  • Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine - reigned 1154 to 1189
  • Richard I and Berengaria of Navarre - reigned 1189 to 1199
  • John "Lackland" and Isabella of Angoulême - reigned 1199-1216
  •  Henry III and Eleanor of Provence - reigned 1216 to 1272
  • Edward I and Eleanor of Castile/ Margaret of France - reigned 1272 to 1307
  • Edward II and Isabella of France - reigned 1307 to 1327
  • Edward III and Philippa of Hainault - reigned 1327-1377

Below is a brief introduction to the cast of characters that make up the Plantagenet dynasty. 

 During the two-hundred-twenty-three years of the Angevin Plantagenets' reign, England was radically changed, politically and socially, through several major military conflicts and a flourishing of cultural pursuits. Both of these helped to mold the unique English culture which, prior to this period, had largely been based in the traditions and cultures of the various ruling tribes on the British Islands.

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